2024 BSOS Strategic Plan


Dean Susan RiveraBehavioral and Social Sciences at the University of Maryland has a rich history spanning more than 100 years. Over time, the size and impact of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences (BSOS) has grown and strengthened. The dynamic educational programs and groundbreaking research in BSOS are central to understanding the human experience, which is at the heart of every grand challenge affecting our world.

Today, our College is one of the largest on campus with a diverse portfolio including academic departments in African American and Africana Studies (AAAS), Anthropology (ANTH), Criminology and Criminal Justice (CCJS), Economics (ECON), Geographical Sciences (GEOG), Government and Politics (GVPT), Hearing and Speech Sciences (HESP), Psychology (PSYC), and Sociology (SOCY), as well as many research centers and educational programs that cross multiple academic disciplines and focus on solutions to critical issues.

When we set out to craft a new strategic plan, I wanted it to be grounded in our collective past, informed by the present moment, and responsive to the future. As Dean, I charged a Steering Committee of BSOS faculty and staff to lead our planning process and to gather community input and data to shape a targeted set of priorities. This plan is a direct reflection of the many ideas and opportunities shared by faculty, staff, students, partners, and alumni in this process. Our new plan is in close alignment with the campus strategic plan, Fearlessly Forward, while also leveraging our unique strengths to advance our vision. As we pursue ambitious goals for our College, we will hold ourselves accountable by reflecting on progress at regular intervals using quantitative and qualitative indicators of success.

This strategic plan articulates how BSOS is positioned to contribute to solving new and existing grand challenges. From climate change and biodiversity decline to international relations and socioeconomic inequality, the BSOS community is exploring and addressing the most important issues of our time. By leveraging our academic, research, and partnership strengths and implementing the objectives articulated in this plan, the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences will work toward a better future. Together, we will be fearless, we will be bold, and we will Be the Solution.

Warm regards,
Susan M. Rivera, Ph.D.
Dean and Professor


Strategic Plan Framework